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#1 Hunting bears is not the right thing to do.
“The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never should have been [withheld] from them. The question is not, ‘Can they reason?’ nor, ‘Can they talk?’ but, ‘Can they suffer?’” Jeremy Bentham, 1789
Learn More#2 Hunting small populations is not sustainable.
No Bear Hunt NV has questioned the scientific conclusions supporting the bear hunt since the hunt was approved. After a decade of a stable bear population, the department biologists reported an average annual population growth rate of 16%.
#3 Hunting with Hounds is Cruel and Inhumane.
Over half of the states which allow bear hunting have outlawed hounding as being unsporting and inhumane. Montana’s wildlife management officials consider prohibiting hounding a feature of the state’s “fair chase” principles. Nevada wildlife officials continue to endorse this cruel practice.
Learn More#4 Hunting Increases Urban Bear problems.
Scientific studies show that there is a linear correlation between the amount a predator is hunted and the incidence of human/predator conflict. This occurs because hunters disrupt the social dynamic in bear populations by unnaturally removing key animals.
Learn More#5 There is no management need to hunt bears
To argue that hunting is needed for population management is an overly simplistic argument about natural systems – one that is in conflict with both predation theory and evidence. Dr. Rick Hopkins, April 12, 2012
Learn More#7 Hunting Nevada’s Bears Threatens Public Safety.
I am a personal injury attorney and have handled multiple cases involving people being shot and killed or shot and seriously injured by stray bullets from hunters who had diligently planned their hunt.~ Butch Wagner-Letter to the Editor-Tahoe Daily Tribune-Friday, June 24, 2011
Learn More#9 Hunting Nevada’s Bears Disrespects Washoe, Pauite, Shosone Cultural Integrity.
Inter-Tribal council of Nevada unanimously passes resolution opposing the bear hunt~ Bear is “Sacred Animal” to Nevada Tribes.
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