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Sav-Um license (please click on the sticker)
Would you pay $33 for a license to kill a bear?
In Nevada, approximately 2000 hunters will.
That’s why we’re asking 2000 NoBearHuntNV supporters to buy a SAV-UM License.
Your donation will support our campaign to keep Nevada’s Black Bears alive.
Help The Bears by acting now.
Please include your mailing address to receive your Sav-Um license sticker.
NoBearHuntNV is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Grizzly Killed, Left In River With Head, Paws Cut Off, Was Well-Known Yellowstone Bear

A grizzly carcass left in the Yellowstone River with its head and paws cut off is that of a well-known Yellowstone bear, Grizzly 769. Wildlife officials said they removed the parts after killing it last week so they wouldn’t end up on the black market. Residents in a small Montana town were saddened angered when […]
Nevada county commissioner and outfitter charged in unlawful bear hunt

Anyone who can attend the trial in Reno Tues Aug 20 a 3:00 pm, please do. RENO, Nev. (News 4 & Fox 11) — The Nevada Department of Wildlife charged two men for killing a bear in Washoe County outside the designated area. Joe Crim, 58, and 54-year-old Michael Stremler are charged with a felony count of killing […]
Regulators approve killing twice as many bears as originally allowed in Nevada hunt

The Nevada Wildlife Commission voted Saturday to allow hunters to kill 42 bears a year, more than twice the number permitted to be slaughtered in the first decade of the hunt, which began in 2011. The move is the latest in a series of decisions that have prompted criticism of the commission for failing to represent the […]
Killing for fun: Animal advocates seek end to bear hunt

The killing of two mother bears during Nevada’s 2023 bear hunt is fueling calls from animal advocates for an end to the state’s for-sport hunt, or a decrease in the annual quota that allows 50 bears to be killed each year. They’re also asking the state’s Wildlife Commission, which meets Friday, to prohibit hounding, the […]
Bears, beleaguered by fires and drought, face hunters

Activists ask state to call off ‘for sport’ event Nevada’s black bears, driven by drought, fire, and smoke from their habitats in the high country around Lake Tahoe, are about to face another existential threat — hunters. The state’s season for hunting bears begins Sept. 15, but environmental organizations and animal activists are asking the […]
Nevada must put a stop to barbaric bear hunts | Sheila Leslie

This opinion column was submitted by RGJ columnist Sheila Leslie, who served in the Nevada Legislature from 1998 to 2012. If ever there were a time to re-evaluate the decision to allow trophy bear hunting in Nevada, it’s this year. Our unprecedented wildfire season has decimated prime bear habitat, leaving dehydrated and thirsty bears homeless, no […]