A NV bear hunter killed W-92, pictured here with his sister. Please stop this senseless killing by emailing sscourby@ndow.org. Ask her to “forward your email to the Wildlife Commissioners and Bear Committee members and enter it into the record.” The Commissioners are voting May 10 to approve killing more bears in the 2014 hunt. Tell them you want ZERO bears killed. Please ACT NOW and asks your friends to do the same.
“Sav-Um” vs. kill ’em licenses now available.
Support NV bears and a statewide campaign to fight the NV bear hunt. NoBearHunt NV volunteers have:
+ removed Tahoe Basin and Galena/White’s Creek trails from hunt zones
+sponsored bear protective legislation
+hired independent third party review of bear population
We and The Bears need your support. Please donate today.
Please click on the Sav-Um Sticker to Donate TODAY!